Blogs de bibliothécaires

Je vous parlais ici du service Librarian List proposé par le moteur PubSub. Je me suis amusé à troquer ma casquette d’universitaire pour celle d’apprenti journaliste et suis allé poser quelques questions à Steven Cohen qui s’occupe de ce service :
> Quand et comment ce service fût-il lancé ?
"This service came about after I read an article about occupational blogs and realized that there wasn't one central web presence that collected blogs from all the many occupations and hobbies.  After discussing inhouse on how to provide such a service, it was decided to incorporate lists with our linkranks.  Also, we decided to include the human factor, in that who better to create occupational lists than those in the professions themselves. Thus, we enlisted the help from outside editors."
>  Comment s'est fait le choix des 4 listes ?
"We already had a fashion list after being contacted by a fashion reporter from the NYT.  The librarian list was chosen because of my work in the field.  I chose PR and Law because we were contacted by editors in this field after the initial release of the Fashion List."
> Dans un futur proche, ce service pourrait-il évoluer vers une sorte d'annuaire thématique de blogs ?
"We hope that if we are able to build enough lists, we will be able to create some sort of directory around them."
> Quels sont les prochaines listes à paraître ?
"I have been contacted by many potential editors who want to create their own lists.  It has yet to be decided as to which lists go up next.  We will probably pick those that make sense for the next implementation."
> Combien de blogs sont-ils sur liste d’attente pour la "Librarian list" ?
"All blogs that have been sent via feedback are sent to the editors. They then decide whether the blog should be on the list. They are then uploaded to the lists."
> Comment marche la sélection ? Est-elle seulement basée sur le linkrank ?
"The selection is based on the editors. The rankings are based on our linkranks system."

Merci (Thanks) Mr Cohen !

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