Les requêtes sur les moteurs de recherche de blogs sont elles les mêmes que sur les moteurs de recherche classiques ? C’est la question que pose cet article (.pdf) dont voici la réponse (conclusion) :
- Pour ce qui est des requêtes : "Our main finding in terms of query types is that blog searches fall into two broad categories—context queries, attempting to track the references to various named entities within the blogspace, and concept queries, aimed at locating blogs and blog posts which focus on a given concept or topic. The distribution of these types differs between ad-hoc and filtering queries, with the filtering ones being more context-oriented. In addition, we found that blog searches tend to focus on current events more than web searches."
- Pour ce qui est des usages et des habitus de recherche : "As to user behavior, the behavior observed is similar to that in general web search engines: users are typically interested only in the first few results returned, and usually issue a very small number of queries in every session."
- Alors quel est le profil du "chercheur de blogs" ? "(…) we uncovered a blog searcher profile which is substantially more concentrated on news (particularly politics), entertainment, and technology than the average web searcher."
(Via Totem)