Ce n'est pas un secret, je suis fan inconditionnel de Ted Nelson. Lequel vient de publier un nouvel ouvrage dont quelques spécialistes de renom attestent qu’il s’agit là d’un ouvrage de tout premier plan pour l’histoire de l’informatique.
De larges extraits du sommaire sont disponibles en ligne sur le site de Ted Nelson :
Un chapitre entier est consacré à Google dans les termes suivants :

  • « (…) Google now has the largest computer– i.e., unified computer system– in the world (thought to be well over a million processors), with the most reliable operating system in the world– a distributed parallel Linux that never stops, even as disk drives die constantly.  (Hey, if something's missing, how would you know?) ORGANIZATION.  Google is a very flat company (no new project is vital).  It's very tough to get hired, requiring many interviews.  Employees make bargains with their bosses on their proposed projects, and then better deliver.  The company is tightly run by two software veterans, Eric Schmidt and Peter Norvig; the founders get to jet around and hold pep rallies for the employees. Google threatens every content industry, publishing industry and library industry.  "This is a wake-up call," says an executive at the Bibliothèque de France.  "We thought we could take much longer to get around to it." »

En attendant (et en espérant) une prochaine traduction française … (Hervé ?)

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