8 billion pages in Google. That’s all ???

(French version / Version française) French

What do finally represent the 8 billion pages (perhaps even a little more) available in Google?  Not so much … considering the (2003) report "How Much Information in The World" from Berkeley University: 
* Surface web : 167 TeraBytes of information
* Academic Libraries :  2,000 TB
* Deep web :  91,850 TB
(1 TB = 1000 GigaBits)

Now let’s have a look at that problem :

  • PROBLEM : "If the median size of a page on the web is 605 Kb (according to the same "How much Information Report"), then how much information can really be accessed using Google ?"
  • SOLUTION:  605 X 8 000 000 000 = 4 840 000 000 000 Kb or 4,84 TB

In other words : 
Google gives access to 0,005 % of world information.
Not so much ?

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